About Walter Spires

Teaching biblical truth with passion and compassion

“I love studying and teaching the Word of God with the integrity in which it was written to equip, encourage, and exhort men and women – from all walks of life, regardless of zip code - to find the love of God poured out for all sinners through Jesus Christ—the only hope for our salvation.”

For more than twenty years, Walter has been evangelizing and discipling men and women in places most hope they never find themselves—rescue missions, prison, life recovery programs, and places people are more easily found, but sometimes harder to reach – churches. He also created and delivered programs for men’s ministry and marriage conferences. Walter serves as a guest preacher when his schedule permits and is certified as an interim transitional pastor/consultant.

Walter spent most of his professional career in healthcare leadership roles with medical device and physician-provider companies. Having gained extensive leadership and strategy skills, he started a consultative services company focused on leadership, strategy, team building, and change management.

Walter is the author of three published books and one e-book. He was a motivational speaker, equipping and encouraging thousands of people at corporate, association, and ministry events. He hosted a radio program called Minute for Men on Bott Radio Network and has guested on numerous radio and television programs.

Walter writes and produces a tri-weekly email podcast devotion: Hanging on Jesus’ Every Word.

Walter and Gigi have been married 40 years and reside in Franklin, TN. They have three adult children, two amazing grandsons and a beautiful infant granddaughter.


When the Lost Get Found, Trilogy Publishing, 2021

All Men Are Desperate Whether They Admit It or Not, Ingram-Spark Publishing, 2016

Power Tools – Build People Who Succeed in Life, Kendall-Hunt Publishing, 1995

Link to Amazon Author Page – Walter Spires

How the Christian Church in America is Failing Men, e-booklet with videos, 2018


YouTube Channel – @WalterSpires-OnlyJesus
Live link to more than 200 video messages from Walter Spires

Website: www.onlyjesussaves.world
Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlyjesussaves


Walter can be contacted via email at walter@onlyjesussaves.world